Episode Two of our 'Diagnosing Detailed' Series is Now Live
On the 19th of January we announced a brand new series where we would be diagnosing issues with our own website, Detailed.com, and fixing them along the way.
Today I'm happy to be sharing the second episode (the first can be found here), where I essentially "click around" and find everything I'm not happy with.
While this sounds random, it's a process we always implement for clients and is something we've used to find even non-SEO related issues they never new existed (but were very grateful to learn about).
An honest note to save your time: You're not likely to learn much regarding improving your own websites in this video. Rather, see this is as a video to see what I'm happy to critique about myself.
Here's the link: https://seoblueprint.com/diagnosing-finding-issues/
If you watch it all the way through, you'll also learn about a couple of tools on the Detailed website there's a good chance you didn't know existed.
- Glen
P.S. Later today we're opening up SEO Blueprint for the first time in 9 months. If you know anyone who might benefit from the course, we would love it you passed it along (zero pressure, of course).