We're Spending $5,000+ to Help Support Members During These Times
Right now the state of the economy is hurting (and scaring) a lot of people.
While some industries are thriving, many more are hurting, and many of you are in a position you never could have imagined just a few short weeks ago.
We thought of a number of ways we could give back and try to help, but I think more than anything right now, cash in the hand is king.
Because of that, we've settled on opening up a members-only marketplace, so we can all buy from - and sell to - each other. You can find it here.
It's already off to a great start, with over 140 comments.
We're personally committing to spending a minimum of $5,000 in response to replies in that very thread, and hope that other members who are doubling down during this uncertainty will find products, services and offerings they didn't know they needed (or didn't know you offered).
Come and join us and share what you have on offer, or take a look at how other members can help with what you're working on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/seoblueprint/permalink/522349818453161/.
It's already off to a great start, with people buying from (and selling to) each other. We would love to see you there.
Here's to hoping the measures we're all undertaking will prevail, and we'll come through this stronger than before.